NEET 2022 Exam Postponed? Check Here!
NEET PG 2022: The Press Information Bureau has released a notification informing the candidates that the news of the deferment of NEET PG is fake
NEET 2022: The news of the postponement of the National Eligibility Entrance Test Postgraduate, NEET PG 2022, is going extensively viral on social media platforms. The Press Information Bureau has released a notification informing the candidates that the news of the deferment of NEET PG is fake and that the Medical Counselling Committee has not released any such notice. The fake alert that is surfacing on the social media platform claims that NEET PG has been postponed by the concerned authorities. The alert shows that NEET PG 2022 has NOT postponed by the concerned authorities.
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PIB Debunks Postponement News, Calls It ‘FAKE’
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Demand For NEET Postponement
According to the official notice, the exam date scheduled to held on May 21, 2022. After releasing the notice, the PIB Fact Check team has also clarified the same and has asked aspirants to not believe this fake news. Several candidates on social media have demanding the postponement of the exam, and once again the issue is rising and candidates are asking for the exam to postponed again.
It is to mention here that the 2021 Counseling is ending late and that is why the candidates are raising the demand to postpone it as they argue that they have been given very little time to prepare. Aspirants must be aware that the postponed circular that is surfacing on social media platforms is fake and they must not believe such information. It advised that candidates must always check the official handles of verified authorities for any updates on the exam.
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(Source: www.republicworld.com)
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